Standards 101

Whether you’re new to standards or looking to educate others on the value of standards, SCB has developed this set of helpful resources that better explain what standards are, why they are critical for the regenerative medicine community, and how to get involved in their development.

Basics of Standards

Basics of Standards

Get a better understanding of standards terms, how standards fit into the regulatory framework, the key steps in the standards development process, and how to locate relevant standards.

Benefits of Standards

Benefits of USING Standards

Take a closer look at the five major benefits of using standards, including real-world case studies and testimonials of how standards have helped industry, academia, and regulatory organizations.

Standards Development Process

Standards Development Process

Learn more about the steps involved in developing standards, the different kinds of organizations involved in their development, and how you can get involved in the process.

Participate in Standards Development

Participate in Standards Development

Explore the many ways you can engage with SCB and the regenerative medicine standards development process, based on how involved you’d like to be.

Organizations Developing Standards

Organizations Developing Standards

Learn more about each of the five different kinds of organizations that develop standards.

Case Studies

Case Studies

See standards development in action: case studies demonstrate how organizations advance standards to benefit the regenerative medicine community.

Guidance and Regulation

Guidance and Regulations

Understand the differences between guidance documents and regulations issued by federal agencies and find those relevant to regenerative medicine.

Community Publications


Access publications and presentations from across industry, government, and academia addressing topics and issues in the regenerative medicine field.