SCB Launches Digital Regenerative Medicine Standards Portal

The Standards Coordinating Body has launched the Regenerative Medicine Standards Portal — — a unique, interactive database of easily searchable information on published standards, in-development standards, and areas of standards need for the regenerative medicine community.

The portal integrates key standards information from SCB’s two technical reports:

Additionally, the standards portal enhances the content from the two reports by providing up-to-date and annotated information on opportunities to get involved in standards advancement, including details on current open ballots and calls to action for ongoing standards advancement projects. Regular monthly portal updates will ensure that stakeholders can stay abreast of all the latest standards advancements in the community.

Features of the Regenerative Medicine Standards Portal

Within the portal, users have the ability to:

  • Perform custom standards searches by sector, functional area, SDO, keywords, and more

  • View at-a-glance summaries of new and updated content, including standards, new areas of need, open ballots, and SDO revisions

  • Get one-click access to SDO webpages to purchase or view published standards or request access to in-development standards

Leveraging the Standards Portal to Facilitate Advancement in Regenerative Medicine

The SCB landscape report and needed standards report have become the go-to standards resources for stakeholders in the regenerative medicine community. This new interactive portal makes it even easier for stakeholders to find the standards that can make their product development processes more efficient. The portal offers more detailed information and allows stakeholders to easily filter through standards relevant to their specific needs. The portal also helps stakeholders identify opportunities to participate in standards advancement by providing comments and feedback or contributing their expert input. By bringing these resources together in one place and offering a simple tool for searching and filtering standards, the portal will greatly reduce the time and effort involved in discovering standards information.

Get Involved

Given the rapid development of regenerative medicine as a field, the standards landscape is always evolving. SCB encourages the community to use the portal not only to identify standards but also to provide feedback on individual standards and alert SCB to any needed updates through the direct feedback link for each standard.