SCB Engages with Regenerative Medicine Standards Development Stakeholders at BioFab’s 2018 Spring Summit

Washington, DC (June 7, 2018) — On June 5, 2018, as part of BioFab USA’s 2018 Spring Summit, Nexight Group and SCB conducted a workshop with more than 15 experts in product development, research and development, advanced manufacturing, and standards development to gather input on the development of processes and tools needed to improve the identification, prioritization, and feasibility assessment of standards needs for regenerative medicine.

SCB Secretary Richard McFarland and Nexight Group’s Ross Brindle and Kendra Chappell offered the participants an overview of potential support from SCB to complement current standards development organization (SDO) processes. This support—including improving coordination, increasing engagement, and enhancing education and awareness of standards—will be necessary to keep up with the fast-paced growth of the regenerative medicine field, helping the community achieve its full innovation potential and develop a mature and stable technology development and delivery marketplace.

The recommended process improvements discussed covered upstream activities (e.g., identifying and prioritizing standards needs), support during standards development, and downstream activities (e.g., education and awareness-building) once standards have been established.

In addition to the workshop, SCB’s Senior Operations Program Manager, Allison Getz, also met with a variety of regenerative medicine experts throughout the Summit to discuss how standards could help them innovate and advance their technologies. 

“All the experts were enthusiastic and engaged, sharing their experiences on the benefits of standards and providing great input into the ways in which we can expand the engagement of the regenerative medicine community in developing new or better standards, best practices, and guidelines,” said Getz.

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